January 26, 1950: When India became a republic
On the eve of the 75th Republic Day, we look back at the chilly January morning in 1950, when India became a republic.
Although British rule in India ended on August 15, 1947, India was yet to sever all ties with the Empire. For over two years after Independence, India remained a British dominion, governed by the British-era Government of India Act of 1935, and officially still owing allegiance to the Crown.
All this changed on January 26, 1950. On that day, the newly drafted Constitution of India came into effect, replacing the Act of 1935 as the supreme governing document of the country. Dr Rajendra Prasad began his first term as the President of India, replacing the British monarch as the ceremonial head of the state.
And finally, the Constituent Assembly, which had drafted the constitution over a period of roughly three years, became the Parliament of India until the first general elections would take place in 1951-52.
A ceremonial parade
Military parades are symbolic expressions of state authority and prestige. During the British Raj, royal parades and processions were common occurrences, projecting colonial power to Indians and the world.
The new republic decided to continue with this tradition — and reclaim it for Indians. Thus, since 1950, Republic Day celebrations have been headlined by a military parade in New Delhi, which has become ever grander and more spectacular over the years.
The 1950 parade was held in the Irwin Ampitheatre opposite the Purana Qila, now known as the Major Dhyan Chand National Stadium. President Dr Rajendra Prasad inspected the parade, and Indonesia President Sukarno was the chief guest.
According to historian Ramachandra Guha, more than 3,000 men of the armed forces marched in front of the president. (India After Gandhi, 2007). The parade saw participation of marching contingents from the Army, Navy, Air Force, and the Delhi Police.
After inspection of the parade by the President, the Artillery, deployed behind the East Stand, fired a 31-gun salute, in three instalments. Between these instalments, the parade fired a ‘Feu-de-joie’ or the fire of joy — a formal celebratory gunfire — thrice, and then gave three ‘jais’ to the President of the Republic. Indian Air Force’s Liberator planes flew overhead, to cap the spectacle.
After the last massed bands had marched past, the President’s horse-drawn carriage entered the stadium, flanked by the President’s Bodyguard on horses (a tradition which continues till date). After the Bodyguard saluted the President, Dr Prasad entered his carriage and headed back to Government House (now Rashtrapati Bhawan).
Describing the day’s events, Guha wrote: “Gandhi’s India was announcing itself as a sovereign nation-state.”