

Why Women Should Overcoming Stereotypes And Prioritise Their Reproductive Health

Why Women Should Overcoming Stereotypes And Prioritise Their Reproductive Health

It's time to rewrite the narrative and empower women to take charge of their bodies

For far too long, reproductive health has been shrouded in secrecy and misconception. But just like our overall health, understanding and prioritising our reproductive well-being is crucial. It’s time to rewrite the narrative and empower women to take charge of their bodies. Dr. Aditi Tandon, a Gynaecologist and Obstetrician at Arva Health, helps us navigate the world of women’s reproductive health.

Shattering the Silence
Traditionally, open conversations about periods, fertility, and sexual health have been discouraged. This silence breeds misinformation and creates a barrier to women seeking proper healthcare. It’s important to remember that reproductive health is a normal part of being a woman, and there’s no shame in seeking knowledge or discussing concerns.

Knowledge is Power
The first step to empowerment is education. Understanding the menstrual cycle, hormones, and potential health concerns allows women to make informed decisions. This can involve learning about common issues like endometriosis, PCOS, or fibroids, and how to manage them.

Additionally, awareness about testing Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH) levels is crucial. AMH testing helps women understand their egg quantity and detect any abnormalities, such as low AMH levels. Based on this information, women can take necessary actions for their fertility.

There are also resources available to understand healthy sexual practices and birth control options. Moreover, the advancement of egg freezing has empowered women to take charge of their fertility. By freezing their eggs, women can plan their futures without feeling pressured by their biological clocks.

Advocating for Yourself
Don’t hesitate to speak up! Every woman deserves access to quality healthcare, free from judgement. If a doctor dismisses your concerns, find one who listens attentively and provides personalised guidance. Remember, you are the expert on your own body.

Building a Support System
Open communication with friends, family, and partners is essential. Having a network of supportive individuals can help normalise conversations about reproductive health and create a safe space to ask questions and share experiences.

Taking Charge of Your Health
Prioritising your reproductive health empowers you to make informed decisions about your body and future. Schedule regular checkups, track your menstrual cycle, and be mindful of any concerning symptoms. Early detection and intervention are key to managing potential issues and promoting long-term well-being.


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